APPS that make sense for Legal Profession - Marketing Apps

Legal marketing has to be among the least glamorous subjects to market in today’s consumer driven world of celebrity-endorsed vehicles and budget trips to Jamaica. Nobody seems to want a lawyer like they want an iPhone or a Cuba Libre on the side of the ocean. Despite this, there are a number of options for lawyers to solicit their services in order to captivate and engage potential customers who are in need of legal advice or representation.
From basic tallying and note-taking to the use of sophisticated social networking algorithms, let this post serve as a guide for you to market yourself with newly emerging tools in the digital era.
Before we get started, it’s important to have a look at the guidelines for legal marketing. I’ve always been a little leary of marketing in this profession, and for a while I thought it wasn’t even legal. Don’t worry, though. It is legal, and the list below spells out parameters largely accepted by law societies across the country.
4.2-1 A lawyer may market professional services, provided that the marketing is:
(a) demonstrably true, accurate and verifiable;
(b) neither misleading, confusing or deceptive, nor likely to mislead, confuse or deceive;
(c) in the best interests of the public and consistent with a high standard of Professionalism.
4.2-2 A lawyer may advertise fees charged for their services provided that:
(a) the advertising is reasonably precise as to the services offered for each
fee quoted;
(b) the advertising states whether other amounts, such as disbursements and
taxes, will be charged in addition to the fee; and
(c) the lawyer strictly adheres to the advertised fee in every applicable case.
[Federation of Law Societies of Canada] Original Source
… So this puts to bed any doubts about the legality and ethical framework of legal marketing. What this list doesn’t do, however, is address the efficacy of soliciting legal services.