Celebrating a nation of inventors and innovators on CANADA 150!!

Here at uLaw Practice we’d like to take a moment to say HAPPY CANADA 150 to all our clients, friends, families and fellow countrymen/women who are all part & parcel of this great, tolerant, economically powerful, clean, safe, vast & beautiful land that we all call our home.
Just for fun, we’ve dug up a gigantic trove of inventions and innovations purportedly created exclusively by Canadians for Canadians, just like the innovative software that we deliver to hundreds of legal professionals across Canada.
Having a look at this list, it is not at all surprising that Canadians created these incredible inventions:
-Key-frame animation
-Multi Dynamic Image Techniques
-Marquis Wheat
-McIntosh apples
-Peanut butter
-Instant mashed potatoes
-Canada Dry Ginger Ale
-Ulaw Practice
-Nanaimo Bars
-Butter Tarts
-Walkie Talkies
-Standard time
-The Blackberry
-56k modems
-The world’s first wheelchair accessible bus
-North America’s first commercial jetliner to fly into the continent
-The electric wheelchair
-Prosthetic hands
-Electric car heaters
-Snow blowers
-Rotary snow ploughs
-Steam powered foghorns
-The world’s first “widely used” military gas mask
-Goalie masks
-Five pin bowling
-Trivial pursuit
-Electron microscopes
-Baby stretchers
-Garbage bags
-Caesar (the mixed drink)
-Caulking guns
-Alkaline batteries
-Egg cartons
-Kerosene distillation
-Pulped wood paper
-Paint rollers
-Robertson screws