Cloud-secure legal accounting with uLaw

Legal accounting is by its very nature a highly sensitive area. Not only does it contain sensitive personal information about a client you are representing, it is also financial in nature which requires security also.
For more than a decade, uLawPractice has been trusted by law firms across Canada to automate their practice management and accounting obligations. Trust accounting in particular can be a tricky area to properly handle in a compliant manner if a mishmash of different software types are currently being utilized at your firm. That's why uLaw has unified all the clerical work a law firm encounters so it can be handled within one browser screen.
How we safeguard data
Several security measures have been implemented to safeguard the data stored in uLaw's hardened data servers. uLaw databases are running in a secure linux server which has undergone numerous virus-resistant hardening measures by security personnel.
uLaw's primary servers spread throughout Ottawa, Montreal and Toronto.

Protecting your data and reputation
A lawyer is a trusted person who must competently be storing very crucial information about their clients. This is not average or normal data.. It is a very special classification of information and it must be protected by the lawyer. This security obligation is also passed on to software like uLaw because our goal is to provide such services to firms.
Local data storage (as in, data simply stored on your computer) is not as secure. This is because your local harddrive is likely not configured in a manner that allows for the data to be highly available. If your drive gets corrupted then you might have data loss.
Some law firms have taken the extra step to invest in network attached storage or have gone through the effort of using RAID arrays (Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks) to create simultaneous versions of their files to prevent data loss. This is not dissimilar to what uLawPractice has created with its servers and databases, under the hood.
However when using uLaw, clients can rest easy knowing that these servers are always online and ready to be accessed safely from anywhere, requiring no configuration or extra cost.

As seen in the slide above, uLawPractice takes this commitment to security to heart. But we also don't want to be over-charging for our services. That's why uLaw charges clients in actual Canadian dollars, at a greatly reduced cost compared to other software on the market today.