CPD webinar schedule CHANGES for October 2017

For October 2017, uLaw Practicewill be conducting only two (2) CPD-credited webinars in the latter half of the month.
Like always, uLaw is offering these LSUC-credited webinars for free, however we won't be broadcasting our webinars for the first two weeks of October.
But don't let that stop you from tuning in later this month! You can find more information below about what you can expect. Join us for two hours of continuous professional development.

1. Oct 20 - Get Ready For Law Society Audits
- What is the Audit process?
- How to prepare for an Audit?
- Practice Review : Practice, methodology and procedure and records to be ready for Review
- Financial Review: Books and Records to be Ready for Review
- Trust Documents (Ledgers, Journals ….)
- General books (Ledgers, Journals, FeeBooks, Expense Books, Disbursements …)
- Procedural documentation: Form 9A, Deposit Slips etc
- Technology Review: Backup procedures, Management of Mobile devices …
- Professional Rules of Conduct Review
- Practice management and Legal Accounting solutions for Audit-proofing yourself
WHEN: Friday Oct. 20, 2017 from 2 - 3 p.m. Eastern, accessible online on any platform
2. Oct. 27 - Law Society bookkeeping guidelines
- What are Trust & General Ledgers? What does it take to maintain them
- What are Receivable and Disbursement Journals, why do you need to maintain them?
- What is reconciliation? Can this process be simplified?
- What is a Fee Book? Why should a firm need to maintain it?
- What are other compliance documents like Form 9A, Deposit Slip etc?
- How much time do you spend on all the above if you do this in a seamless way? Is it 10 minutes or 3hrs per week?
- Benefits of using a Legal Accounting Software
WHEN: Friday Oct. 27, 2017 from 2 - 3 p.m., accessible online from any device.