Durham College to use uLaw EDU in curriculum

Students at Durham College’s paralegal program will begin using uLawPractice’s EDU system
to conduct legal accounting and practice management exercises as part of that school’s
“A modern legal education curriculum involves learning the actual business and compliance
activities that a majority of lawyers and paralegals need to conduct on a near-daily basis,” says
uLaw CEO Terry Curtis. “With uLaw EDU in particular, instructors at Durham College will be
training students on some of Canada’s most trusted automated software solutions or legal
uLaw EDU’s “Enhanced Integrity” package was recently made available for Durham students
through the Campus E-Bookstore. Students are able to purchase and acquire individualized
accounts so they can conduct exercises on their own, to later be marked by instructors at the
In 2019 uLawPractice invested heavily into the creation of a separate EDU infrastructure for
Canadian law and paralegal schools. To keep up with increased demand spurred by the
pandemic, uLaw expanded its offerings to post secondary institutions. uLaw’s self-managed
academic access EDU program, by far the most popular, is free to use. Through this model,
groups of students can be formed into mock law/paralegal firms, where they can conduct cloud-
based bookkeeping and accounting activities assigned by their teachers, in a manner that
mimics the daily operations of a mid-sized law firm.
Also available is uLaw’s Enhanced Integrity Academic Access program. This package, chosen
by paralegal schools such as Fanshawe College and Durham College, is the preferred choice
for institutions wishing to ensure maximal academic integrity among students, who each have
access to their own accounts. When exercises are completed with the use of uLaw Enhanced
Integrity, students are operating entirely within their own environment: there is no group work to
be done, and is therefore more secure.
“Students were introduced to uLaw in the fifth week of my Legal Computer Applications class,
and it was used extensively through to the end of the semester, with some breaks for a few
weeks while we focused on other applications,” said Nicholas Dasios, Barrister & Solicitor and
an experienced professor teaching law courses in the Law & Business Programs at Fanshawe
Professor Dasios said his COMP-6053 class made use of uLaw’s document creation features,
including: the creation of claims, motions, affidavits, and notices of examination. In the brief
introduction to legal accounting his students receive in his Legal Computer Applications class,
Professor Dasios’ students navigated the software to, amongst other things, conduct conflict
checking activities, docket, track expenses, write cheques, make payments and produce trust
fund receipts and bills along with various reports.
“I felt that the students were very impressed with (uLaw EDU). They particularly loved the
integration of document creation tools/features with legal accounting features. The power and
value this provides was clearly evident to our students,” said Professor Dasios.
Based on the success of Fanshawe’s pilot usage of uLaw Enhanced Integrity, the product was
rolled out to other eligible schools, most recently, Durham College. Students at that college are already on their way to acquiring software licenses in preparation for upcoming course materials in October.