Nov. 2 CPD Webinar: Bookkeeping Compliance

Compliance with regulators in the realm of financial and practice management is a highly important facet to any smoothly-functioning law firm in Canada. But preparing up-to-date compliance documents can also be a time consuming chore if it's conducted in a less-than-optimal fashion.

The way a firm maintains its general and trust ledgers, reconciliation, receivable and disbursement journals, et al, can often spell out the success or failure of a firm, particularly when subjected to a regular Law Society spot audit. Lawyers and paralegals can be expected to pass a scheduled, routine spot audit every few years.
Like clockwork, firms across the country are routinely reprimanded and receive warnings from auditors every month because many firms fail to respond promptly and quickly to requests for information. Preventing this kind of thing from happening should be a primary objective for any lawyer who do not want to run afoul of regulators.
Fortunately, it isn't too difficult to set up a few processes so your firm is audit-ready, 24/7.
Join us this Friday, Nov. 2 from 2-3 p.m. Eastern for a uLaw webinar about Law Society Bookkeeping Compliance. We will give you the skills you need to keep your firm's finances in order. Licensees in New Brunswick, Ontario, and British Columbia will all be eligible for an hour of CPD for attending.
Since 2011 we have been hosting regular weekly webinars where we educate Canadian practitioners. We know how to explain such subjects in a way that makes sense to lawyers.
Click here to sign up for the webinar and learn about what else we'll be teaching on Friday.
We hope you tune in to our upcoming lecture!
-The uLaw TeamNov. 2 CPD Webinar: Bookkeeping Compliance