Ontario spending announcement: $5.9 for intimate partner/human trafficking survivors

Over the next two years, the Ontario government is committing $5.9 million dollars towards the Victim Support Grant program.
Established to support the needs of victims and survivors of human trafficking or intimate partner violence, the VSG program administers funding to dozens of different police services engaged in these areas.
More than 30 police agencies working with local organizations are being supported with this money, which should provide funding through until 2024. There is an itemized list of all the different agencies benefiting from the program, and how much money they're getting.
As one example, Belleville Police Service is receiving $200,000 of funding. According to the website, the agency will be creating partnerships with community groups to deliver a "wrap-around" approach to provide resources to victims and training to officers. Some of the funding is also planned to be spent on a psychotherapist and specialist for victims so they can be provided with in-house counseling.
The full list of recipients of this grant can be found by visiting this link.