Q&A with paralegal Joel Cross

Q&A with paralegal Joel Cross
Joel Cross - Cross Paralegal

Like many paralegals, Joel Cross entered the field of law after having already acquired a substantial amount of work experience in another sector.

Cross is now a sole practitioner who runs Cross Legal Services, but he says his previous work as a project manager was tangentially related, and ultimately led to him pursuing a legal career during the pandemic.

The uLawPractice team recently interviewed Cross to gain a better understanding of how he became a paralegal, and what his thoughts are on the legal industry in 2025.

Q: What were the reasons for you becoming the legal practitioner you are today?

"As a project manager I often found myself reading contracts and assisting lawyers with ongoing litigation, which fueled my curiosity. Over time I realized I was more engrossed in reading case law, rather than technical manuals. The pandemic presented the perfect opportunity for me to pivot and pursue my passion for law, leading to a rewarding career change."

Q: Which areas of the law do you focus on? Are there any trends you've noticed during your practice?

"My motivation stems from a strong desire to seek justice and advocate for those in need. I focus on Landlord and Tenant law, as well as construction and contract law. One trend I’ve noticed is the growing number of self-represented parties at hearings and trials, which highlights the ongoing need for accessible legal support."

Q: What are some of the biggest challenges you have faced through your career--where it was extremely difficult for you, professionally, and perhaps daunting? Can you explain your challenges and how you conquered them?

"One of the most significant challenges was transitioning to a new career later in life. While it was daunting at times, I embraced the challenge wholeheartedly. I make it a priority to stay current through continuing education, reading case law daily, and attending professional development opportunities. This commitment has helped me thrive in my new role."

Joel and his team shine with uLaw

Q: Can you remark on any particular court cases and/or regulatory changes/shifts which you've encountered and had to work around while working in the field of law?

"The housing market in Ontario has created significant challenges in the rental sector, leaving both landlords and tenants dissatisfied. The shift to online hearings and trials due to COVID-19 was another major change. While it has improved efficiencies in submitting forms and issuing documents, it has also introduced challenges—such as technology barriers and the loss of formality associated with in-person hearings. "

"Access to justice initiatives have been instrumental in improving resources for individuals navigating these challenges."

Q: Please highlight some of the most satisfying moments in this career. Without being too specific (client confidentiality, etc) can you give some examples of momentous occasions in your career and describe their significance?

"I always aim to have at least one pro bono case active at any given time, as these matters remind me of why I chose this profession. For example, I helped a student who had been wrongfully evicted due to a disability and was living in his car. Through a settlement, he was able to secure new accommodations quickly.

"In another case, I assisted a homeowner in resolving a defective workmanship claim, holding a contractor accountable for bullying and intimidating behavior. Moments like these reaffirm my commitment to advocating for justice."

Q: How has the practice of law shifted or changed over the time you've been a practitioner? Where do you see this direction going in the future?

"The transition to online hearings and trials has significantly altered the practice of law, particularly for paralegals. Additionally, the rise of AI is already reshaping the industry in unexpected ways, providing new tools and resources that are changing how we approach legal work."

Q: How do you think the legal profession will change in the next 10 years?

"I anticipate a continued focus on access to justice, which will hopefully lead to innovative ideas and processes that make the legal system more inclusive. AI will also play an increasingly prominent role, empowering self-represented individuals with more information and capabilities, further transforming the legal landscape"