Tech update: SMS as 2nd-factor authentication

Don't worry, we'll text you
uLawPractice's development team recently implemented a new feature which will allow its users to receive a text message (SMS) code in order to log in to their system.
Two-factor authentication is an important security feature in any online environment, especially where sensitive materials are being stored within a browser interface. Previously uLawPractice only supported email codes, but the team decided to bring cellphone usage into the mix in order to login securely.

"For all of us, we think, it's easier to have the option to grab your phone and read the text message quicker. It's a feature that many web platforms and e-commerce websites already have available, users are familiar with it, and we thought it would fit in nicely with Canada's most trusted digital legal assistant," says uLawPractice CEO Terry Curtis.
So how does it work?
If you haven't already included your mobile number into your user settings, you'll have to do so in order to enable Two-Factor Authentication by text.
In order to do this, you'll need to log in normally, and then navigate to the top right corner of your screen, to Settings->Details.
Scroll down to the Phone header, which you should then type your cellphone number in and then specify with the dropdown menu if it's your mobile number. Once you update your profile, this will integrate Two-Factor Authentication with your new system which now supports text messages upon login.

And there you have it! Speedy, efficient logins that don't compromise security of your sensitive legal matters for clients.
Best of luck!