This week's CPD webinar:Law Society Bookkeeping Compliance

Ontario, B.C. and New Brunswick Lawyers: Need some CPD's?

uLawPractice is pleased to host yet another webinar jam-packed with information that is bound to help you on your firm's journey towards increased compliance with regulators.
Not only will your presence in the webinar go towards CPD credit, you'll also be graced with an increased understanding of what it takes to maintain the books in your firm.
In this free webinar, which we invite you to sign up for by clicking the button at the bottom of this post, we will break down a number of components related to legal bookkeeping.
-Trust and General ledgers might sound confusing at first, but we put the microscope underneath these terms to scrutinize how these ledgers work and what it takes to maintain them.
-Recievable and Disbursement Journals are another integral component to legal accounting and our job during this CPD-accredited webinar
-RECONCILIATION. This is a big one, and it consistently ranks at the top of the list when it comes to the issues auditors notice when they conduct spot audits on law firms across Canada. Reconciliation is necessary to remain compliant but it doesn't have to be an arduous process, and we want to show you how to do it quickly and effectively.
-FEE BOOKS - First of all, what is a fee book? In our webinar we're going to discuss fee books and why exactly your firm is required to maintain one.
-Depending on the jurisdiction you're in, regulators also wany deposit slips and, in the case of Ontario, a Form9A. These documents are important to understand and we want to make it as simple as possible for you to grasp what they mean for you and your firm.
-Benefits of legal accounting software
When: Mar 16th Friday, 2018
Time: 2:00pm EST to 3:00pm EST
Where: ANYWhere & ANYDevice