Today's webinar: Preparing for audits the easy way
Every year, lawyers run into trouble for not responding to requests issued by law societies in their respective jurisdictions.
This week's upcoming webinar, which has been accredited by New Brunswick, British Columbia, and Ontario law societies, will focus specifically on how to prepare for audits.

Join us this Friday, September 21, at 2 P.M. Eastern for a thorough and easily understood webinar about how to handle your firm's finances.
Many lawyers choose to merely bury their head in the sand and not reply, whilst they scramble to obtain the correct bookkeeping. This kind of behaviour is problematic, worrisome, and ultimately unnecessary. We will show you the light!
Do yourself a favour and book an hour of time to be with us!
You'll learn the following:
- What is the Audit process?
- How to prepare for an Audit?
- Practice Review : Practice, methodology and procedure and records to be ready for Review
- Financial Review: Books and Records to be Ready for Review
- Trust Documents (Ledgers, Journals ….)
- General books (Ledgers, Journals, FeeBooks, Expense Books, Disbursements …)
- Procedural documentation: Form 9A, Deposit Slips etc
- Technology Review: Backup procedures, Management of Mobile devices …
- Professional Rules of Conduct Review
- Practice management and Legal Accounting solutions for Audit-proofing yourself
When: Sept 21st Friday, 2018
Time: 2:00pm EST to 3:00pm EST
Where: ANYWhere & ANYDevice