uLaw delivers practice management webinar to TriOS college

As part of its outreach program to educational institutions across Canada, uLawPractice delivered a wide-ranging lecture to students and faculty at TriOS college in June.
Since 2011 uLawPractice has heavily invested itself into providing educational resources to licensed paralegals and lawyers who are seeking to earn Continuous Professional Development (CPD) credits. Each year, law societies across Canada require their members to earn such credits in order to facilitate a continuous commitment to professionalism.
In June, a member of uLawPractice's EDU team hosted a live webinar specifically for students and staff at TriOs college. Titled "Everything Practice Management," this 90-minute lecture covers virtually all the bookkeeping and compliance measures necessary to stay in good standing with the law society.
One big area that this CPD-accredited webinar covers is the importance of streamlining your practice so you are not spending an inordinate amount of time on relatively easy procedures.
Technology is continually evolving to allow data entry clerks to repurpose the information they input into computational and accounting systems. With respect to practice management software, a lot of law firms are only beginning to realize they can maximize their efficiency with simple automated procedures specifically tailored for Canadian legal practitioners.
Photo: an excerpt of the course material, highlighting all areas of "professional obligations" expected by auditors and regulators of the legal profession in Ontario.
In "Everything Practice Management", attendees of TriOS college were educated on what types of paperwork must be produced during the client intake portion of a legal matter, all the way through until the end of a legal matter, when raising an invoice for example.
In addition to delivering courses such as this to schools across Canada, uLawPractice also provides free EDU access to colleges and universities so students can get real-world experience on how to produce books and records in a compliant and modern fashion. Educators interested are encouraged to email marketing@ulawpractice.com for more information.