VIDEO: Law Society of 'Upper Canada' no more?

One of the oldest law societies in the English-speaking world might be changing its name after more than 220 years of being known as the Law Society of Upper Canada.
In a bid to modernize the name representing the society of more than 50,000 lawyers and paralegals in Ontario, supporters say the organization needs to ditch the colonial 'Upper Canada' embedded in its title. Instead, call it the Law Society of Ontario, they say.
Upper Canada was dissolved in 1841 and now comprises portions of modern-day Ontario, but the law society has kept its name until today. A report is expected to be produced by a steering committee to the LSUC's convocation in fall 2017 to discuss changing the name of the longstanding organization of Ontario lawyers.
Perhaps by the end of the year the LSUC will be re-dubbed the "Law Society of Ontario".