Information from uLawPractice

Information from uLawPractice

Unlocking Efficiency and Compliance with uLaw: Your Legal Practice Solution. uLaw is your true Practice Management and Legal Accounting solution. Get Canadian Law Society Compliant Today with uLaw.
Revolutionizing Retainer Agreements Signature Process: uLaw and DocuSign Integration Redefine Multi-Party Signatures

Revolutionizing Retainer Agreements Signature Process: uLaw and DocuSign Integration Redefine Multi-Party Signatures

In the intricate world of legal practice, obtaining signatures on retainer agreements from multiple parties has long been a logistical challenge. Coordinating face-to-face meetings or navigating a paper trail across different locations can lead to delays, impacting the efficiency of legal workflows. However, the groundbreaking integration of uLaw and DocuSign
3 min read